The absolute best part about working with clients is knowing I helped provide answers and connect them with biological family through DNA and a traditional genealogy research.
Kevin, adoptee
Laura, I really can't adequately express to you the amount of gratitude that I have for you. You are truly a gift from God for me. Certainly the answer to many prayers that I have said about this unresolved area of my life. you will be forever indelibly linked to my ancestral story. Thank you so much for all of your hard work and experience.
December 2018
Jennifer, unknown father
I can't say enough good things about Laura! In one week, she processed all my info, confirmed who my biological father was and provided a very detailed report with everything I wanted. THANK YOU, Laura! You are truly amazing!
January 2019
David, adoptee
I am happy to say I got a call today from my uncle Joseph this evening. He got my letter and reached out to me. I even talked to my father tonight! I want to thank you again for all of your help!!!
December 2018